Sinergia supports expressions to calculate group, and field properties dinamically. The properties that can be defined using expressions are: Required, Read Only, Visible, and Default Value.

This "expressions" are in fact expected to be C# code, plus a set of additional keywords targeted to simplify the expressions development. For example the [STATUS] identifier references (as the name implies), the state the case is in. Other expressions are [TODAY], and [NOW], which are usefull to define default values.
The expressions run in a context that has available the Session , User, and CaseData objects, which in my opinion allow for very powerfull expressions.
If I wanted to define a field as required always I can just put true, in the required expr textfield (is case sensitive remeber that).
If I wanted to check on the subject, to define the visible property, I could reference it using: [CASE].Subject, and if I want to make sure some word appears on the subject I could do something like this: [CASE].Subject.IndexOf("Whatever") != -1
Each expression textfield has a tick image button to validate the expression defined.

You can download the latest bits, or you can try this in the demo here.